embodied cooking 

Do you want to learn to cook plant-based and gluten-free, as well as, incorporate a movement practice into your daily-life to connect with your body, mind and soul — for your overall wellbeing?

Do you struggle with over-eating or over-obsessing about food, running away from your emotions and wish to live creatively with your food addictions or behaviours that don’t serve you?

Do you want to learn how to express your suppressed emotions using the ZeroOne movement practice and nourishing yourself with healthy cooking?

Embodied cooking

Embodied cooking

Having first-hand experience living with food-addictions, emotional blocks and se%ual struggles I have used dance and healthy cooking, (and continues to do so), to find a way to live creatively with these challenges.

Do you want to learn to nourish yourself, so you have the energy to make a positive difference in the world, find your life path, live your dreams and be the amazing human you are hungry to be?

Yes? Let's dive deeper:

Do you find it difficult to feel worthy enough to teach yourself to make good meals and eat them on a regular base? Do you feel it takes too much time because its just for you?

Do you need a tiny little first step that is really, really manageable being the person you are and the circumstances you find yourself in?

I have been there and take you by the hand and please don’t not worry about failing, that’s part of the learning.

I will give you all the tools you need to make your own changes; when you're alone in the kitchen, when you're tired and want to resort back to your regular easy option that don’t serve you.

I will show you how to find your strength and inspiration to want to cook something healing but also delicious for yourself and or your family and friends.

We will bring more self-loving breath into your body, so you can meet those neglected parts that are crying out for your love and attention.

One step at a time and learn to cook plant-based and gluten-free delicious food at the same time.

How about embodied cooking?

Are you ready to try new healthy recipes and movement practices?

do your inner work and make changes in your life?

live healthier and happier and not blame others for your suffering?


  • Embodied Cooking Classes

    Do you want to transform your relationship with food? Learn to cook my recipes using embodiment practices, and bring juicy healing self-care into your life!

  • cooking classes

    Do you want to focus on learning how to cook plant-based and gluten-free? Leave the dance out of it? No problem!

  • DANCE events

    Classes, workshops, retreats.

    Free your body!

  • cookbook lick your plate

    Cookbook Lick Your Plate, full of plant-based, gluten-free healthy and delicious recipes. Eco-printed and only available on my website (here) !